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AQSIQ commissioned an expert team to appraise and appraise the renewal of A2 pressure vessel manufacturing for Jiangsu Kaiphosphor Tianjian Company

Time: 2018-07-20

On two days of July 11 and 12, entrusted by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Appraisal, a special expert group was sent by the China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute to conduct an appraisal and evaluation of the manufacturing renewal of A2 pressure vessel manufacturing of Jiangsu Kaiphosphor Tianjian Company. According to the A2 pressure vessel manufacturing license renewal review standards and requirements, the company conducted a comprehensive, systematic and scientific appraisal review of the company's on-site normative and quality assurance system operation effectiveness.

Jiangsu Kai Phosphorus Tianjian Company obtained the A2 pressure vessel manufacturing license in 2013, and has the qualification to engage in the manufacture of Class III pressure vessels. The certificate is valid until October 20, 2017. Due to the restructuring of the enterprise last year, the company declared in accordance with the procedure and obtained the approval of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine to extend the validity period to September 20, 2018.

At the review meeting, Tian Jian, general manager Li Yuanxi, welcomed the arrival of the expert group and introduced the basic situation of the company and the operation status of the quality assurance system. At the same time, he expressed his full support and close cooperation with the expert group’s appraisal and review work, and requested the relevant departments of the company Provide relevant information in time according to the requirements of the expert group, and actually guide the experts to carry out on-site verification, without concealing problems or interfering with the work, and presenting the company's comprehensive and true situation to the expert group to ensure the scientificity, fairness and objectivity of the appraisal and evaluation Sex, and at the same time play a role in promoting all aspects of the company's work. Tian Jian's quality assurance engineer Li Jianxian reported to the expert team in detail the company's quality assurance system personnel, venues, equipment and facilities, and pressure vessel manufacturing in recent years. Feng Mingyi, the person in charge of the company, and Jia Zhiping, the person in charge of the technical quality department, also reported on the relevant situation.

Next, the expert group used the past two days to conduct detailed inspections on the production workshops, testing and inspection sites, materials and finished product warehouses of Jiangsu Kaifeng Tianjian Company, and the system documents, personnel information and equipment files for the past five years , Production and sales records, inspection and testing reports and various account books, etc. were carefully reviewed, and each responsible person of the system was examined from a professional perspective in the form of question and answer.

On the afternoon of the 12th, the expert group held the final meeting on the on-site review in the past two days. The meeting affirmed Jiangsu Kai Phosphorus Tianjian Company in the manufacture of pressure vessels, and also put forward corresponding suggestions for improvement and adjustment to the areas that need to be improved. .

This appraisal review also received strong support from relevant leaders and experts of special inspection departments at all levels in Jiangsu Province, cities, counties (cities).

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